Friday, July 15, 2005

Flipping and flopping

The world is falling apart. Where have we gone as a society? Where did these women get the message that this was okay? The unspeakable has happened: Northwestern University's champion women's lacrosse team wore flip flops to the White House to meet President Bush. (GASP!!!) How dare they defile such an honorable institution by showing off their new pedicures to White House staff? From the knees up they appeared to be fine, upstanding young women--smart, athletic, team players. But their choice of footwear revealed them as the hooligans they are. One woman's mother was aghast, claiming she never leaves the house without pantyhose. Other friends and family members commented in the front page article on the horrific scene that has brought their family shame and dishonor. Flip flops have taken over the country. Life as we know it is now over.

Okay, can you detect the sarcasm in that one? Personally, I think it's a little ironic that President Bush painted John Kerry as a flip-flopper in the 2004 election and then some members of a women's lacrosse team choose to wear flip flops to meet President Bush. I really hope that their choice of footwear was an intentional message to the White House. How great is that?

Here's something to actually be disgusted about: (July 14) Health Care Facility Probed, Brain-damaged patient is pregnant and (July 15) Health Care Facility Faces Lawsuit
Isn't that enough to make anyone disgusted? I can't believe that someone would rape a severely brain-damaged woman, maybe not just once but possibly many times. The fact that she's now pregnant serves that man right for the horrible crime he committed. And shame on the health care facility for not only failing to properly supervise its staff, patients, and visitors, but also for not noticing for almost seven months (??!!!!!) that this woman was pregnant. And the mother seems so calm about it. I'd be a raving madwoman if someone raped and impregnated my daughter, especially if she were so brain-damaged that she had to survive by feeding tube. I'm just appalled. I hope they find out who did this, and I hope they lock him away for life.

See, people? There's a definite difference between the horror of inappropriate footwear in the White House (which made front page news) and the horror of a severely incapacitated woman being impregnated by someone in a health care facility (which showed up inside the Metro section.) The fact that some people at the Chicago Tribune failed to recognize that distinction is what has truly caused me to question the media.